My current system set-up:
Systems components:
Restek „Matinee CD“ replacing Sony „CDP-XB930QS“
Philips CDM9PRO
Delta-Sigma-converter, 64x oversampling
Restek „Matinee Pre“ replacing Sony „STR-DB930“ (AV-Receiver)
Integr. amplifier:
Restek „Extent“ / „Extract“ replacing Sony „STR-DB930“ (AV-Receiver)
Music-Server /
Synology DiskStation DS116 and Logitech Transporter SE replacing Escient Fireball SE-500i and ZP-1
Usher „D2“ (dynamic / horn, ext. x/o) replacing JBL „250 TI Jubilee“, replacing Quadral „Ascent 850“
--- none ---
(XLR) „Cordial CSM“
Speaker cables:
van den Hul „Magnum Hybrid“, standard copper wire 6 mm2
Power cords:
standard „Solitaer-Audio“
Universal-remote control:
TSU9800 (color-LCD, IR, WIFI, ProntoScript) replacing TSi6400 „iPronto“ (color-LCD, IR, WIFI, EPG, Browser) replacing TSU7000 “ProntoPro NG” (color-LCD, IR, RF, USB) replacing TS1000 (mono LCD, IR, RS-232)
Listening environment:
27 m2
lenght 6 m, width 4,5 m, hight 2,50 m
Speakers placement:
speakers apart: 2,25 m f/back wall: 1,20 m (Lautsprecherfront) f/side wall: 0,45 m
Description system’s sound with the previous system set-up:
- very open with deep sound stage - with natural presentation - close to reality - no lacks in bass/low frequencies - relaxing, alive - good frequency response
Audio Profile’s updates and general remarks (ascending chronologically):
November 2001
I use components from the SONY QS-series. The QS-series contains solid devices with helpful functions.
CD-player: The CDP-XB930QS has an fixed laser-unit and moved the CD about the laser-unit. An stabilizer holds the CD. This CD-player has an real-world-price and sounds good.
Amplifier: The AV-Receiver STR-DB930 is an Surround-Receiver with only little power.
Speakers: As a front-speaker, I am using the Quadral Ascent 850, who is complemented with a centre- and rear-speakers to a surround-set. These speakers were commended from a AUDIO- or VIDEO-magazine. I believed, bought... and was disappointed. Flat sound, no bass, no sound stage. I decided to only buy speakers which I´ve tired out before in the future.
Sony CDP-XB930QS
August 2002
I make the following changes to my system set-up:
Amplifier: I use the AV-Receiver STR-DB930 only with his pre-out-outputs as an Preamplifier.
Integrated amplifier: I use a pair of new high-end- mono- amplifiers Extent from Restek. This 35 kg device is symmetrical constructed, and supported by 20 transistors. The Extent can run speakers with impedance below 1 ohm. The maximum power is 1,1 kW. With these amplifiers an old dream became true and the Extent’s allowed me to use most critical speakers.
I was stunned because against the suggestions from various audio- magazines that claimed the amplifiers to be important for the sound, my Ascent 850 continues plays poorly.
December 2002
I make the following changes to my system set-up:
Speakers: I replace my previous speakers with the 250 Ti Jubilee from JBL.
Sound: This change was the biggest improvement for my system.
These speakers are tall (1,33 x 0,57 x 0,27), heavy (54 kg each) and due to their size and the 14 inch woofer show no lacks in bass. With my Extent-mono-amplifiers now I can bring live-feeling into my house and I enjoy this.
JBL 250Ti Jubilee
March 2004
I make the following changes to my system set-up:
CD-Player: I replace the Sony CDP-XB930QS with the Matinee-CD-Player from Restek. The Matinee-CD is an top-loader with an Delta-Sigma-DAC and symmetrical XLR-output. The drive is an Philips CDM9PRO, once of the finest drives whose ever built.
Preamplifer: I replace the surround-receiver with the preamplifier Matinee-Pre from Restek. The Matinee-Pre has symmetrical XLR-inputs and outputs.
Both Restek-devices are solid High-End-components, handmade and with a noble design.
Restek Matinee
August 2008
I make the following changes to my system set-up:
Speakers: For long time I have lived with my JBL 250 Ti Jubilee.
For a further improvement I searched a speaker which also does not show any lacks in bass but better manner in high frequencies. I found the USHER Audio D2 in a web forum. The big size and good chassis promised a wonderful sound. After a sample at a dear friend´s in Athens I realized, the D2 is the speaker for an lifetime.
The USHER Audio D2 (236 each!) is a 2-way-system with D’Apollito- configuration and external x/o. The mid/high-section use a 2“ BeO-driver TAD TD-4001 with a horn like the TAD TH-4001. The two low-bass units contain 15” paper- woofers 15HM from USHER.
Sound: The sound is relaxing, alive, with natural presentation, very open and with deep sound stage. These speakers are suitable for classical music just as well jazz or R&B.
USHER Audio D2
April 2011
I make the following extension to my system set-up:
Music Server: I complete my set-up with the Music-Server Escient Fireball SE-500i. The Escient Music-Server is able to record CD’s for playback in a maximum of quality in the FLAC-format. Gapless Playback is also supported. The Escient FireBall is able to identify each CD via internet and providing you with the artist name, album name, song list, genre and even covert art for every CD. The Escient provide also an Internet Radio Function. One can access the Escient via TV, the build in Web-Interface or any Universal-Remotecontrols. I use the PhilipsPronto-Integration EscientPronto from Lyndel McGee, because I don’t want to use a TV for listening music. To avoid any backround noises from the drives and fan I installed the Escient in another room and access the Escient Music-Server via network, pointed from an Escient Zoneplayer ZP-1.
Sound: The advent of Music-Servers like the Escient Fireball enables audiophiles to rip CD’s at full resolution and play them via hard drive with results that are comparable with the same CD’s played through the finest CD players. In additional of that you have the comfort to browse your complete music-collection and to see all track-names, the artist and album name and the cover-picture.
note: The ESCIENT-devices are no longer manufactured. Also the web-server for device-updates and the gracenote- service is switched of. There is no manufacture’s warranty. For new purchases I will recommend therefore other present solutions like SONOS.
March 2016
I make the following changes to my system set-up:
Music Server: I replace the Escient Fireball with a Synology Disk Station DS116 (NAS) with Logitech Media Server 8.0.0.
network-player: I replace the Escient-ZP1 with the Logitech Transporter SE.
- playback of 24bit studio master downloads up to 96kHz - fast forward and rewind
- playback of internet-radiostations with higher quality (320 kBit/s) - search function for the music-database and internet-radio
- Fully balanced analog stage, now complete XLR-cabeling of all components - good readable display with all important music-informations and nice visualisations
- IP-integration for my pronto universal-remote